Monday, 19 September 2016

Homework, Monday 19th September

This week I would like you to read the short story, Digging to China, and answer the comprehension questions on the back. Everything you need is in your homework folder. 

This is due tomorrow (Tuesday). 

Good luck!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Homework, Monday 12th September, 2016

I only found out late on Friday that Monday was going to be the homework day for Year 8 English, so I have not had time to prepare any worksheets. 

Therefore, this week, it would be great if you could find an example of a short story and bring it in to share with the rest of the class. It could be in a book, or on a piece of paper, or you could provide a link so that we can find it online. At the very least, try and think of a story you have read which you can tell us about. 

This homework is due tomorrow (Tuesday, 13th September).

Good luck!

Thursday, 8 September 2016


Welcome to Mr Quillfeldt's Year 8 English blog. There are already loads of posts on here, but they're from several years ago, so ignore them.

The main purpose of this blog is to keep you up-to-date with homework, so if your son or daughter's homework diary has mysteriously disappeared and/or they tell you there is no homework, you can check.

I will, from time-to-time post other stuff here, like suggested reading, copies of worksheets and maybe even some of the pupils' work (with their permission, of course). I will also keep you up to date with what we are studying in class.

On that note, we will be doing some creative writing this half term, building on the work done on the same topic this time last year. This will involve writing the first draft of a short story of between 300 and 1000 words before spending some time learning about genre, themes, how to structure a story, how to create characters, how to describe settings, how to use dialogue, how to use paragraphs and various other important elements of the creative writing process. The pupils will then revisit their first draft and make improvements to it based on the things they have learnt in lessons so that they end up with a final, finished piece that would make Dickens himself envious. We will also spend some time learning how to answer fiction-based reading comprehension questions using a variety of texts from different genres.