Friday 29 September 2017

Homework, Friday, September 29th, 2017


Very similar to your last homework, I would like you to read an extract from Farm Boy and answer the comprehension questions that go with it. Everything you need is in your homework folder. 

This is due on Monday, October 2nd. 

Friday 15 September 2017

Homework, Friday 15th September

This week, I would like you to read the extract from Farm Boy, and answer the questions that go with it. 

This is due on Monday, 18th September. 

Monday 11 September 2017

Welcome to Mr. Quillfeldt's year 8 English blog!


For those of you who are new to the school, or who have never had me as a teacher before, this is where you can check each week to see what the English homework is, as well as find other details about what is going on in English. 

Wherever possible, I will make copies of worksheets and resources available, but, in cases where someone else has created the resource, I might only be able to provide a link to it for copyright reasons. A hard copy of everything will always be provided in the homework folder though, so this blog is more of a backup. 

Homework will start next week, once we have chosen which novel we are going to study as a class, as most of the homework tasks will be reading comprehension activities based on it. In class we will be studying creative writing up until October half term, so hopefully, by the end of the unit, you will be able to write a short story of around 200 words. 

That's it for now. Make sure you check back next week.