Monday, 16 January 2017

Homework, January 16th, 2017

Read the review below. It is very similar to the one you read last week, but different. Once you have read it, answer the comprehension questions that follow. This is due tomorrow (Tuesday, January 17th). 

Spectre Review

What’s it about?

If you’ve ever seen a Bond movie, then you’ve basically already seen Spectre. In case you’re not sure what I mean, however, I’ll give you a quick recap: he gets his mission from M (which is, predictably, to bring down some evil organisation or other), goes to visit Q to get some snazzy gadgets, including an Aston Martin (surprise, surprise), then there are some fight scenes, some car chases, some explosions and some encounters with beautiful women.

What’s good about it?

If you are a die-hard fan of Bond films, and don’t mind seeing the same thing you’ve already seen a hundred times, then you will enjoy this. It’s well directed, the action sequences are spectacular (especially the opening scene where Bond fights a villain in a helicopter), Daniel Craig is very good as James Bond, and, overall, it keeps you watching.

What could be improved?

Personally, I was expecting something a little more original; a Bond movie that gave me everything I wanted to see in a Bond movie, but that also gave me something new. Perhaps some more information about Bond’s past, or a strong female character who doesn’t fall in love with him and tells him to leave her alone. Essentially, a Bond movie to make me think. Spectre certainly doesn’t do this, except to make me think about how much like all the other movies in the series it is, which ultimately makes it repetitive and predictable.

Overall recommendation

I think I’ve already made it clear that this is a film that will appeal to fans of James Bond who are happy to sit through what is basically just a twenty-first century version of a Bond classic, such as Goldfinger or From Russia With Love. If you want to be made to think, however, and really want to get to know the characters, my advice would be not to bother with Spectre.

1. According to the review, if you have ever seen a Bond movie, then you have basically already what?

2. Who gives Bond his mission?

3. What word is used to describe the gadgets he gets from Q?

4. Who, according to the article, will enjoy the film?

5. What word is used to describe the action sequences?

6. What was the reviewer expecting?

7. What does Spectre certainly not do?

8. What two words are used at the end of the third paragraph to describe the film?

9. Which two other Bond movies are mentioned in the final paragraph?

10. You shouldn’t bother with Spectre if you want to be made to what?

Extension questions.

11. What is the writer’s overall problem with the film?

12. Why do you think the writer includes the words ‘surprise, surprise’ after mentioning the Aston Martin?

13. What does the writer mention that tells us that he/she might think the film is sexist?

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