Monday, 8 May 2017

Homework, Monday 8th May, 2017

After a break of a couple of weeks, homework is back!

This week, I would like you to read the report below and answer the questions that go with it. 

This is due tomorrow (Tuesday, 9th May). Good luck!

A report to the local council outlining suggestions for facilities for the new youth club


The local council is planning to build a youth club in the area. I have been asked to speak to young people in the area and find out their suggestions for facilities that could be included in the youth club. I will outline my findings below.

Athletic facilities

·        A five-aside Astro-Turf football pitch – this was a very popular suggestion and would be a great way of encouraging young people in the area to stay fit, as well as learning skills such as leadership and teamwork.
·        A basketball court – this would be cheaper than an Astro-Turf pitch as it can be put in what is currently the car park and is another way to encourage young people to stay fit and learn new skills.

Leisure facilities

·        A pool table – this was another very popular suggestion as young people in the area love playing pool. There would be space in the building, according to the plans.
·        A bar serving non-alcoholic beverages – obviously alcohol could not be served, but many of the young people I spoke to suggested this as a way to make them feel grown up.
·        Vending machines – several people suggested this and it would be a good way of making extra money, which could be used to pay for other things.


Overall, I would recommend all of the above as they are all very popular suggestions and would all come within the budget set out by the council.

Now answer the following questions:

1. Who is the report being written to?

2. What is the purpose of the report?

3. Does the report use formal or informal language?

4. What are the two categories that the facilities have been divided into?

5. Which of the two athletic facilities mentioned was a ‘very popular suggestion’?

6. What is one of the advantages of a basketball court over an Astro-Turf football pitch?

7. How do we know that there would be space in the building for a pool table?

8. Why do you think alcohol cannot be served at the youth centre?

9. Vending machines would be a good way of making extra what?

10. Which of the suggestions are recommended at the end of the report?

Extension questions

11. How can we tell that the title is the title?

12. Find and copy out the sentence which means the same as ‘Underneath, I’m going to write down what I found.’

12. Why do you think the information is broken into short sentences and paragraphs?

13. What is the purpose of the subheadings?

14. Why do you think the writer has used formal language?

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